深圳储能光伏企业亮相2023年欧洲智慧能源博览会 SZ firms attend The smarter E Europe
2023-06-22 -
深港经贸合作交流会成功举办 Seminar on SZ-HK cooperation successfully held
2023-06-22 -
“港·潮流”购物节深圳盛大开幕 逾130家香港品牌齐聚一堂 彰显香港潮流魅力 Chic Hong Kong opens
2023-05-29 -
助力两岸交流!深圳展团参加海丝博览会暨海交会成效显著 Fruitful Cross-Straits Fair for SZ
2023-05-24 -
深圳人工智能企业组团亮相日本人工智能展 Shenzhen AI firms shine at Japan exhibition
2023-05-18 -
深圳专精特新企业组团亮相香港国际创科展 SZ specialized companies shine at HK fair
2023-04-13 -
深圳产品海外展示交易中心·印尼、马来西亚买家直采专场对接会成功举办 Direct purchasing promoted
2023-04-11 -
SZ, German firms seek deeper cooperation 中德(深圳)经济论坛共谋发展共商合作
2023-03-30 -
创新模式共建赋能出海 深圳举行首届跨境贸易生态峰会
Cross-border trade ecology summit held -
第十六届深圳国际金融博览会今日开幕 16th Shenzhen International Finance Expo opens
2023-01-09 -
SZ trade council strengthens local firms’ global presence
2022-12-14 -
SZ Trade+ | SZ-HK cooperation focus of symposium 深港商协会交流座谈会在深圳举办
2022-11-23 -
SZ businesses seek opportunities overseas 深圳助企业“出海”抢单
2022-11-22 -
SZ Trade+ | Austria-funded firms visit SZ 奥地利企业组团考察深圳新能源汽车产业
2022-10-31 -
SZ Trade+ | Overseas events held to spread Chinese culture
2022-09-29 -
SZ Trade+ | RCEP certificates of origin issued to 10 firms
2022-01-07 -
International Organizations | Introduction of International Monetary Fund(IMF)(国际经贸组织 | 国际货币基金组织)
2020-11-12 -
International Organizations | Introduction of United Nations Capital Development Fund(UNCDF)(国际经贸组织 | 联合国资本发展基金简介)
2020-10-28 -
International Organizations | Introduction of West African Development Bank (BOAD)(国际经贸组织|西非开发银行简介)
2020-10-16 -
International Organizations | Introduction of World Trade Organization (WTO) (国际经贸组织 | 世界贸易组织简介)