Airline to launch direct flight to Mexico City 深圳开通中国最远国际航线至墨西哥城
2024-04-30 -
Shenzhen economy expands 6.4% in Q1 深圳一季度GDP同比增长6.4%
2024-04-25 -
Business Trip of Singaporean Enterprises to Shenzhen 寻求科技合作 触摸鹏城脉动 ——市贸促委举办“新加坡企业深圳行”活动
2024-04-18 -
Successful Shenzhen trip for EU companies “欧盟企业深圳行”活动成功举办
2024-04-18 -
'SZ attractive for European firms' 深圳与在华欧企合作潜力巨大:中国欧盟商会会长
2024-04-17 -
Shenzhen-made products shine at InnoEX 百家深企“亮相”香港国际创科展尽显“圳实力”
2024-04-15 -
SZ eyes big role as optimal investment destination 深圳努力打造最佳投资首选地
2024-04-09 -
Xi attends opening meeting of NPC annual session 十四届全国人大二次会议在京开幕
2024-03-06 -
City unveils measures to shore up foreign trade 深圳发布“稳外贸24条”
2024-02-23 -
外眼EYESHENZHEN | 中国葡萄牙商会董事局主席Dário Silva:在粤投资发展,是个再合适不过的选择
2024-02-20 -
GD holds high-quality development conference in SZ 广东高质量发展大会在深召开
2024-02-20 -
CCPIT Shenzhen organizes nearly 100 companies to connect with Uzbek counterparts, empowering new cooperation between China and Uzbekistan -
《公约》今日生效!市委外办、市贸促委共同签发深圳地区首份附加证明书 SZ issues first apostille
2023-11-09 -
“德国企业深圳行”活动成功举办 German companies seek opportunities in Shenzhen
2023-09-21 -
“深圳精品”亮相雅加达 意向成交额超7000万美元 SZ quality goods exhibited in Jakarta
2023-09-08 -
深圳储能光伏企业亮相2023年欧洲智慧能源博览会 SZ firms attend The smarter E Europe
2023-06-22 -
深港经贸合作交流会成功举办 Seminar on SZ-HK cooperation successfully held
2023-06-22 -
“港·潮流”购物节深圳盛大开幕 逾130家香港品牌齐聚一堂 彰显香港潮流魅力 Chic Hong Kong opens
2023-05-29 -
助力两岸交流!深圳展团参加海丝博览会暨海交会成效显著 Fruitful Cross-Straits Fair for SZ
2023-05-24 -
深圳人工智能企业组团亮相日本人工智能展 Shenzhen AI firms shine at Japan exhibition